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Pet Names

We are interested to know why you gave your animals the names you did. We want to share your story on our website. Please e-mail us your story (feel free to include pictures and make your story as long or as short as you want): [email protected]

"We go to great lengths for our beloved animals. I'm always interested in the names we give our pets and why.

"I currently own two male Australian Shepherd mixes named Kyo and Zuko. Growing up my husband and I were into the Japanese anime cartoons.

Zuko was our first dog that we had picked out (from the pound) together so we got to pick a name for him. We came up with Zuko because it was from one of the shows we watched called Avatar: The Last Airbender. There is  character in the show who is a prince named Zuko. We both liked the name and thought it fit him perfectly.

Kyo was our second rescue dog we got together and picking his name was a little more difficult. We figured we should stick with the theme and name him something from another Japanese anime show we watched. I came up with Kyo, from a show called Fruits Basket, but at first my husband did not like the name because in the show Kyo was a cat. I explained to my husband that he didn't have to worry about that because our dog would never realize he was named after a cat. After some convincing he said we could name him Kyo."

- Krista (staff here at FHVH)

"My cats are Lucy and Ethel. My mom found our first cat outside as a stray and she was very sick. Since my mom loved to watch I love Lucy she decided to name her Lucy. A few years ago we got our second cat from outside because her mom wasn't taking care of her. We named her Ethel. "

- Gina B.

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